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Date : July 13, 2015
Camp 607, Military Labor-training Prison
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=13331 [1789]

Scores of detainees in 'Camp 607,' a military labor-training camp under the Korean Peoples Army Defense Security Command, are dying from starvation according to a local source with experience being detained in these facilities.

The camp is located in the neighborhood of Shiji, about 20 ri (7.86 km) away from Hoechang County, South Pyongan Province and 40 ri (15.72 km) away from Inpyong Station. Set far back in the mountains, the camp is almost impossible for anyone other than the detainees or their relatives to access. Of the labor training camps population, 80% are soldiers while 20% are either military cadres or civilian workers on military bases. The minimum period of internment is six months; those placed in the Revolutionization Zone' must serve a 24-month sentence at the camp.   

Daily NK recently conducted an interview via telephone with the source, who resides in South Pyongan Province, to shed light on the unspeakable conditions facing the prisoners that continue to languish in this camp. For his protection, Daily NK agreed to redact the specific details regarding the reason behind his detention as well as the dates.

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