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Date : June 19, 2015
NK Human rights worst in the world
   http://www.rfa.org/korean/in_focus/human_rights_defector/ambassadorpow [1482]
US Ambassador to the UN NK Human rights- one of the worst in the world 

Samantha Power, the US permanent Representative to the United Nations, testified before the US House Foreign Affairs Committee on June 16 that North Korean human rights conditions are one of the worst in the world. 

In her testimony, Power said that 800 to 1200 thousands of North Koreans are imprisoned in gulags and subject to such inhumane treatments as torture or rape. Also, she testified that children are forced to witness the execution of their own parents. 
However, considering the degree of their inhumanity, human rights abridgement cases are not too well-informed because North Korean regime has systematically deterred the efforts to access information.  She added that this systematic deterrence is why the US and other member states formed UN Commission of Inquiry on North Korea to conduct extensive research on North Korean human rights conditions and published COI report. She openly criticized North Korean regime by commenting that many cases in the report are indeed crimes against humanity and have been committed based on policies that are established by the regimes highest-level offices. 

[Source: Radio Free Asia]

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