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Date : June 5, 2015
Yun Byung-Se called for Holistic Approach to North Korea
   http://www.dailynk.com/korean/read.php?cataId=nk00900&num=106267 [1433]
Holistic Approach to North Korea
On June 1st, at the (OSCE) Asia Conference, Yun Byung-se, the Minister of Foreign Affairs shared how a holistic approach is needed concerning North Koreas many issues. 

Of the 57 Organization for Security and Cooperation in European member nations, 11 nations attended the meeting for Asias security. The countries came together with the purpose of changing global security environment and visions of multilateral security co-operation in Asia.  

In Minister Yuns opening ceremony keynote address he explained the importance of taking a holistic approach and to focus on North Koreas economy and human rights, rather than only security. He added with regards to human rights that its impossible to have continual peace and stability without human rights.  

To further highlight the fact that rather than solve each problem individually that a holistic approach was necessary he explained unification stability and peace will be fulfilled through the solution of North Koreas nuclear, and missile issues as well as its human rights issues. 

[Source: DailyNK]

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