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Date : July 25, 2016
Freedom of information fundamental to paving the path to peace
   http:// http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?num=13980&cataId=nk025 [2348]

In a recent trip to South Korea, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy and Human Rights Tom Malinowski sat down for an interview with Unification Media Group President Lee Kwang Baek to discuss human rights and issues pertaining to North Korea. Stating that "the people of North Korea should have the same ability to reach out and learn about how people live in South Korea, Japan...and every part of the world," Mr. Malinowski discussed the Kim Jung-un Regime's role in denying North Korean citizens "the chance to come and know their brother and sisters in South Korea" as well as stating that "when the Korean Peninsula is more unified, the people of North Korea will be among the most successful people in the world," due to the immense struggle and oppression they have experienced.  

[Source: Daily NK]

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