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Date : June 8, 2016
Poland and Malta accused of using NK forced labor
   http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/11901507/Pol… [1912]
A report form the European Alliance for Human Rights in North Korea have accused both Poland and Malta of employing 'forced labour' from North Korea. Approximately 1,000 North Koreans are working within the European Union, according the the report's authors. North Koreans in Malta are believed to be working for a Chinese-owned firm based in Malta's capital, Valletta, while approximately 800 North Koreans are believed to be working in Poland at mostly shipyards and orchards. Despite "anecdotal speculation to the contrary," North Koreans working abroad did not benefit from their experiences, although their wages might be slightly higher than those working within North Korea. Workers "are rarely provided individual contracts, passports are confiscated, and the bulk of the wages are paid in foreign currencies and transferred directly to the DPRK," stated James Burt, a research and policy officer at the European Alliance for Human Rights in North Korea. 

[Source: Telegraph]

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