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Date : May 3, 2016
Pyongyang imposes death penalty for drug dealers and viewers of SK videos
   http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/04/485_203446.html [1988]

According to the Korea Institute for National Unification, North Korea is executing people who distribute illegal drugs and South Korean videos.

The institute published "North Korean Human Rights Report 2016" after conducting an in-depth interview with 186 North Korean defectors.

The report said three North Koreans were shot dead in Hyesan, Yanggang Province for distributing drugs and South Korean videos. Two men were also executed at Hyesan airport in 2014 after being charged with smuggling drugs and watching South Korean dramas. 

The Institute said North Korean authorities had recently launched a crackdown and introduced severe punishments due to the growing number of cases involving drug dealing and distribution of South Korean videos.

Source: Korea Times

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