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Date : February 19, 2016
NK takes 80% of workers wage at KIC
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?num=13754&cataId=nk01500 [1478]

North Korean regime takes 80% of wage of KIC workers

According to a source from North Korea, North Korean regime took 100% of dollars paid to workers of the inter-Korean Kaesong Industrial Complex [KIC], and gave only 20% of their wages. When it receives funds from the South, the Central Special Development Guidance Bureau hands over to the regime, untouched. a source from Pyongyang told Daily NK on 15th. Also, North Korean KIC workers were found to receive a monthly base wage of 200,000 KPW and a bonus 50,000 KPW. 

As of February 2016, Official monthly wages of North Korean KIC workers is 73.87 USD, and including compensation for overtime and special shifts, around 150 USD. As 1 USD currently trades for 8,200 KPW in Pyongyang, 250,000 KPW is mere 30 USD, or around 20% of 150 USD that they should have received.

A source says, It funnels directly into Kim Jong Uns so-called revolutionary funds, which doubtless include the money spent on developing nuclear arms and missiles to bolster the might of the leadership. The dollars earned from arms trade, mineral sales like iron ore, drug trade, and diplomat-smugglers are [for this same purpose] and not for use by individuals. 

In the meantime, North Korean regime is currently lecturing to the workers, claiming that Our southern neighbors unilaterally pulled the plug on the complex, which directly violates the June 15 Joint Declaration. They are our enemies and can never be trusted. 

<Source: DailyNK>

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