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Date : February 2, 2016
The Number of North Korean internet users is 7000
   http:// http://www.voakorea.com/content/article/3166942.html [2350]
The Number of North Korean internet users is 7000

Using internet is a way to connect with outside world. The proportion of North Korean internet users out of the whole population, is one of the lowest in the world, according to a research. An international marketing firm, We Are Social recently published Digital in 2016 report, which says that the number of North Korean internet users are about 7000, or 0.03% of the whole population. 

Voice of America reported this finding in January 29th, and commented that the result is the worst among 214 states surveyed, and North Korean figure has a large gap with the second to the last, Nigers 2.0%." This report is based on the analysis of information on worldwide internet connection, cell phone companies and SNS memberships. 
The report also estimates that the number of North Koreans using SNS with computer is about 6800, and with smartphones and other mobile equipments are about 4000. North Korea strictly blocks its citizens access to internet. Although it has its own intranet, which is not connected to the outside world, it still is censored.  
According to this research, the country with the highest proportion of internet users is Iceland with 98%. Bermuda, Norway and Denmark followed. South Korea has the fastest internet speed, and ranks the first in the proportion of using SNS with cell phones. 

<Source: Voice of America>

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