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China, Russia oppose U.N. council meeting on North Korea
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-rights-un-idUSKBN0TR01X20 [3080] |
China and Russia oppose U.S. plans to hold a special meeting on human rights in North Korea.
The United States, president of the Security Council this month, said last Friday the meeting would take place on Thursday. The Security Council added human rights in North Korea to its agenda last year, despite objections by China.
However, China and Russia had informed the council of their opposition to the meeting, according to several diplomats.
"China informed council members that the Security Council has no business with human rights but should look at matters of international peace and security," one diplomat said.
Diplomats also said that Russia raised a procedural complaint, noting the United States had not raised the issue during a formal discussion.
Two diplomats said a new procedural vote was likely given the objections of China and Russia to the scheduled meeting. They said Russia and China would likely lose any procedural vote because they cannot use their veto power in such cases.
