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Date : December 15, 2015
USCIRF Urges Religious Freedom Be Included in UN SC
   http://www.uscirf.gov/news-room/press-releases/north-korea-uscirf-urge [1465]

North Korea: USCIRF Urges Religious Freedom Be Included 
in UN Security Council Human Rights Meeting 

December 9, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) commends the United States and eight other countries for requesting a meeting of the UN Security Council, now scheduled for December 10, to resume talks on human rights in North Korea.  USCIRF encourages the Council to include religious freedom in these discussions.  North Koreas deplorable record on human rights and religious freedom prompted the Security Council to hold similar discussions one year ago, the first time the Council formally deliberated the countrys myriad human rights violations.  Given no improvements, the Security Councils attention to these abuses is needed now more than ever.

North Koreas human rights violations, including the denial of the fundamental right to freedom of religion or belief, are both undeniable and indefensible.  USCIRF commends U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power for her strong support of calling out such abuses in the UN Security Council.  Raising these issues in the premier UN body responsible for international peace and security sends the North Korean government the necessary and high-level reminder that its human rights abuses are known, egregious, and that the world is watching, said USCIRF Chairman Robert P. George.

<Source: USCIRF>

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