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Date : November 17, 2015
45 countries sponsor new U.N. resolution on North Korea human rights
   http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20151109000208 [1389]

A total of 45 countries sponsored a new U.N. General Assembly resolution calling for the referral of North Korea to the International Criminal Court for its human rights violations.

"The General Assembly... encourages the Security Council to continue its consideration of the relevant conclusions and recommendations of the commission of inquiry and take appropriate action to ensure accountability, including through consideration of the referral of the situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the International Criminal Court," the resolution said. 

The resolution was introduced to the General Assembly's Third Committee on October 20, and it encourages the Security Council to continue discussions and active engagement on the issue of North Korea's crimes against humanity.

The proposed resolution is expected to be put to a vote at the Third Committee later this month. If approved by the committee, it is expected to be formally adopted at the General Assembly next month.

However, it is unlikely that the Security Council will refer the issue to the ICC, because China and Russia are expected to veto such a move.

Source: The Korea Herald

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