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Date : October 27, 2015
BBC director Tony Hall plans to start broadcasting radio in North Korea for the first time
   http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/bbc-director-tony-hall-pl [1596]
The Korean Central News Agency provides the only source of information for all media outlets in North Korea

The BBC is planning to start broadcasting daily news in North Korea for the first time in an expansion of its World Service. This will be a symbolic move in a country where there is no freedom of speech, free press, and only one media outlet which is run by the government. 

Director General of BBC, Lord Hall has set out his vision for the restructuring of the corporation, saying: "The BBC is a great national asset and we are all stewards for the next generation." The BBCs plans will let countries gain access to information and empower the North Korean people through knowledge. They will also provide coverage of international news and events so that the people can be more knowledge of the process of globalization and global democracy.

The North Korean news broadcast will be provided over shortwave radio since the Radios in North Korea are preset to the government-controlled frequencies.

North Korea is ranked 179 out of 180 countries on the annual Press Freedom Index published by Reporters Without Borders. 


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