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Date : December 21, 2016
UN General Assembly Adopts N.Korean Human Rights Resolution by Consensus
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UN General Assembly Adopts N.Korean Human Rights Resolution by Consensus

The UN General Assembly has adopted by consensus its annual resolution condemning human rights abuses in North Korea on November 15th. 

The resolution urges the UN Security Council to refer the North Korean human rights violations to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the third consecutive year.

It blamed the North's leadership for human rights abuses in the country, saying crimes have been committed "pursuant to institutional policies established at the highest level of the State for decades, under the effective control of its leadership."

It also pointed out for the first time a possible link between the country's human rights violations and their nuclear and missile program. 

Since 2005, the chief UN body has adopted a resolution calling on Pyongyang to improve its human rights.

Source: KBS World News

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