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Date : December 12, 2016
30 defectors arrested by Chinese authorities
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?num=14227&cataId=nk01500 [1503]
30 North Korean defectors arrested by Chinese authorities, facing repatriation

Approximately 30 North Korean defectors have been arrested by Chinese public security officials in the city of Shenyang and are facing repatriation.

Three groups of defectors totaling approximately 30 individuals, including children under the age of five, were arrested while in transit from Shenyang (China) to Vietnam. They have been transported to the border city of Dandong, and are likely to be repatriated to North Korea soon, a source close to North Korean affairs in China reported to Daily NK on November 30.

"North Koreas State Security Department [SSD] is exchanging gold produced at state-run mines in the border area to the Chinese authorities in return for the repatriation of defectors. For this reason, leaflets and placards have been posted in Chinese cities advertising rewards for reporting defectors to the police. This has made it more difficult for defectors to hide," the source added.

"North Korea and China appear to have reached an agreement on active detection and repatriation of North Korean defectors. With the end of the year approaching, Chinese public security forces and North Koreas SSD are planning a massive detection operation."

[Source: Daily NK]

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