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Date : December 24, 2018
Residents concerned over rise in violent crime
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/residents-concerned-over-rise-in-viole [1062]
Residents concerned over rise in violent crime in North Korea

Residents are becoming increasingly concerned with the rising frequency of violent crime occurring in certain parts of North Korea.

Due to the financial situation worsening for many here in North Korea, violent crimes such as robbery and murder have become more common, a source from North Hwanghae Province told Daily NK.

She added that crimes committed by a perpetrator known to the victim have also increased, leading to an increasing atmosphere of distrust between neighbors and friends.

Police are warning residents not to leave their homes or to open their doors for anyone at night, even close friends, she said.

Crimes committed by soldiers are also on the rise. Soldiers have been behind a large number of the robberies occurring. Additionally, there have also been quite a few cases where robbers will wear military uniforms and pretend to be soldiers, a source in South Hwanghae Province added. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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