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Date : December 17, 2018
3 NK apprehended en route to work in China
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/three-north-korean-women-apprehended-e [1084]
Three North Korean women apprehended en route to work in China

Following the apprehension of three North Korean women trying to cross over to China, the Kimjongsuk County border guards have responded to the incident by restricting access to a frequently-used shortcut in the area.

After the three women were arrested while trying to illegally cross into China via a bridge, built over the Amnok (Yalu) River to facilitate timber transport, the border garrison has taken measures to tighten security in the area. As a result of these measures, access to a frequently used access road connecting the town of Kimjongsuk and the village of Pakjupyong is now blocked, a source in Ryanggang Province reported.  

The arrested women were residents of Hyesan city who were heading to a lumber camp in China (area 13) directly opposite Kimhyongjik County in North Korea. They were planning to spend two months working to earn money and ride out the winter at the camp where they were expected to receive lodging and food. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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