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Date : July 11, 2018
High security ordered to mark Kim Il Sungs death
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/high-security-and-devotion-ordered-to-m [984]
High security and devotion ordered to mark Kim Il Sungs death

24 years after Kim Il Sungs death, the North Korean authorities have designated July 1 to July 8 – the day of his death – as a national period of mourning.  

A mourning period has been designated from July 1st until the 8th, the day of the Suryong [Kim Il Sung]s death. Orders have been handed down to be pious and conduct memorial events during this time, a source in North Hamgyong Province said on July 6.

The Party policy was announced during morning assemblies at state enterprises by unit-level secretaries.  

It was explained that everyone without exception must attend the memorial events. Drinking alcohol or committing shameful acts during this time such as singing or dancing, or otherwise acting without sufficient loyalty for the Suryongs revolutionary honor, will render the accused as having no right to live in this land. These types of behavior are akin to aiding the enemy, and so we must be sure not to behave this way, the instructions said, she added.

In responding to the misdeeds of reactionary elements during this special mourning time, there will be extra high security, with additional patrols and strengthened protection of the border, factories, enterprises, research institutes, and statues, prompting a revolutionary awakening, the source said. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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