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Date : April 5, 2018
Crackdown escalates on foreign information
   http://english.dailynk.com/english/read.php?num=15099&cataId=nk01500 [1291]
Crackdown escalates on foreign information and contact with outside world

Daily NK recently conducted a series of interviews with inside sources all over North Korea on the topic of access to outside information. The consensus expressed by the sources is that all contact and consumption of foreign information is considered illegal. 

Kim Jong Un has attempted to establish an information blockade to prevent the North Korean people from knowing about the outside world. In the place of foreign information, the authorities trumpet their propaganda.

Some people in Pyongyang who live and work in places that accommodate foreign visitors do get some information from the outside world, said a source from Pyongyang during a telephone call with Daily NK on March 28. However, these employees are forbidden by workplace regulations from discussing the content of their telephone conversations to anyone else.

The legal agencies have emphasized multiple times that any telephone contact with foreigners in considered illegal, a North Hamgyong Province-based source said on March 22. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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