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Date : March 23, 2018
N. Korea safe from #MeToo?
   https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2018/03/103_245770.html [1269]
North Korea safe from #MeToo?

Whereas the #Metoo debate has affected perceptions on gender in-/equality in South Korea, women suffer not only from sexual assault but cannot voice their unjust treatment taking place at their workplaces or at home due to the low awareness of womens human rights in North Korea. 

Particularly in the military, North Korean women suffer from sexual abuse – as a third of North Koreas military consists of female military personnel. Further, the U.N Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has expressed their concern on gender inequality in North Korean society. 

Despite these facts, the regime claims to perpetuate gender equality and womens rights.

[Source: The Korea Times]

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