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Date : May 7, 2019
Solar-powered mini-TVs to watch South Korean dramas
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-koreans-use-solar-powered-mini-t [2074]
North Koreans use solar-powered mini-TVs to watch South Korean dramas

The North Korean authorities are focused on preventing the spread of foreign media throughout the country, but North Koreans continue to sidestep the crackdowns in order to  watch South Korean dramas.

Almost everyone watches foreign dramas, and they watch them repeatedly – 10 to 20 times, said a South Hwanghae Province-based merchant. The young and old watch dramas even if theyre not getting enough to eat.

The source reported that the most popular South Korean dramas these days include: The Three Musketeers, Autumn in My Heart and The Wang Family.

People will hum the theme songs to these dramas without even knowing it sometimes, he said.

Foreign media is popular among North Koreans because the country lacks stimulating entertainment and people are curious about South Korean society. The Korean Wave is also a major force among the countrys upper-class.

Even a Ministry of State Security (MSS) agent who comes over to our house asks for the latest dramas on a memory stick because he wants to watch them, the source said.

The countrys lack of electricity, however, makes it difficult for people to watch TV. Most have nonetheless learned to adapt. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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