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Date : April 25, 2019
Efforts to root out South Korean media content
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korean-government-task-force-con [1808]
North Korean government task force ramps up efforts to root out South Korean media content

North Korean authorities are focusing all of their efforts on ensuring people do not watch South Korean dramas or movies to the extent that sources in North Korea say ordinary North Koreans invite great dangers on themselves if they do so.

Two men in their 20s who live in Yonpung-dong, Hyesan, were watching a South Korean drama during the daytime on their computer when Group 109 agents raided their home, a Ryanggang Province-based source told Daily NK.

The men removed the memory stick from the computer and stashed it somewhere when they heard knocking on the door, but the Group 109 agents found the stick and arrested them on the spot. After discovering that the memory stick contained South Korean movies, dramas, and music, the agents took the two men to a local police station and interrogated them.

Group 109 is a joint task force between local police agencies and the Ministry of State Security (MSS) aimed at suppressing the viewing and distribution of foreign movies on compact discs and flash drives. The group has recently planted agents and even created fabricated reports to catch what it deems criminals. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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