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Date : April 23, 2019
NK police officer beats factory worker stealing manure
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korean-police-officer-beats-fact [1671]
North Korean police officer beats factory worker stealing manure

Amidst reports of factory robberies in some areas of North Korea due to the countrys economic difficulties, a North Korean factory worker was seriously assaulted by local police while trying to steal manure.

A worker at the Hungnam Manure Factory stole some manure and had passed the factorys front gate, but was caught by a policeman conducting a night-time patrol, a South Hamgyong Province-based source told Daily NK.

The worker tried to runaway with his loot, but the policeman caught up with him and beat the man severely with his electric shock baton.

Factory workers and members of factory defense security teams that patrol the factory generally work together to steal manure. In this case, however, the worker attempted to steal the manure alone before getting caught.

The worker wasnt very smart and hadnt had any experience stealing before, the source reported, adding that he was unable to put food on the table, so his kids couldnt go to school. Things got so bad he tried to steal manure but ended up getting beaten brutally for it.

The policeman reported the incident to the factory and the worker was fired the next day, the source continued. He has no money to get medical treatment for his wounds, his kids are starving, and his wife left home to get money from relatives but hasnt returned yet. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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