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Date : July 15, 2019
Severe punishment for building houses on farmland
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/kim-jong-un-orders-severe-punishment-f [1134]
Kim Jong Un orders severe punishment for those who build houses on farmland

In the midst of nationwide efforts to increase food production, the regime has announced that residents who build houses on farmland will face severe punishment.

An order recently signed by the Supreme Leader (North Korean leader Kim Jong Un) states that anyone who builds a house on [farm] land will be severely punished, a source in Pyongyang told Daily NK.

In the past, people were able to build houses or other types of buildings on any kind of land they wanted to, but that has now changed.

The source further said that the reason for the order was because the building of houses on farmland damages food production. He also added that the order includes prohibitions against building new homes on empty lots and even making additions to existing houses.

The measure appears connected to the regimes Find New Land Campaign aimed at increasing farm production and expanding farmland in the country.

The regime, which has long espoused self-sufficiency as a way to counter international sanctions on the country, is making efforts to resolve its own food problems and encourage residents to take part in these efforts. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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