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Date : February 25, 2020
Face masks to leaders in the top 1%
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korea-provides-face-masks-leader [1239]
N. Korea provides face masks to leaders in the top 1%

North Korea is providing domestically-manufactured face masks made out of cloth to high-level government officials, Daily NK sources have reported.

The central command center for emergency disease control supplied several boxes of face masks for use by disease control officials throughout the country, a South Pyongan Province-based source told Daily NK on Feb. 21. Face masks were also provided to ministers within the Central Committee.

Drivers of high-level Central Committee officials were reportedly called to the headquarters of the Central Committees accounting department to receive boxes that contained around 300 face masks each.

Central Committee ministers are considered the top 1% of North Koreas leadership. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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