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Date : February 21, 2020
NK border guards arrested for smuggling on border
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korean-border-guards-arrested-sm [1006]
N. Korean border guards arrested for smuggling on border

Two North Korean border guards were arrested after smuggling goods over the Sino-North Korean border in Ryanggang Province on Feb. 8, Daily NK has learned.

The incident occurred about 10 days after North Korea shut down its border with China at the end of January and is the first reported smuggling-related arrested to occur on the border since the border closure.

The two soldiers were arrested after receiving goods to sell [in the market] at around midnight, a Daily NK source in Ryanggang Province reported on Feb. 12.

The two border guards were returning from the point where they received the goods from China when they were arrested by soldiers patrolling the border.

The soldiers will face harsh punishment because they were caught attempting to smuggle in goods so soon after the border was ordered closed, the source speculated. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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