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Date : November 7, 2019
Equality gap persists in recreational facilities
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/equality-gap-persists-north-korean-rec [1474]
Equality gap persists in North Korean recreational facilities

Recreational facilities for officials at powerful institutions are better supplied than similar facilities for ordinary North Koreans, demonstrating that high-ranking party officials continue to enjoy special privileges, sources in the country told Daily NK on Wednesday. 

North Korea has about 100 recreation centers nationwide that are equipped with athletic, entertainment and health facilities so that workers can enjoy the holidays. 

After various instances of improper conduct among party officials came to light during the 2017 purge of Kim Won Hong, the former deputy director of the General Political Bureau, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reportedly issued a direct order to eradicate special privileges and abuses of power by party officials.

These special privileges have now made a reappearance, Daily NK sources said. For example, recreational facilities operated by the Ministry of Peoples Security – one of North Koreas most feared security agencies – in Sinpa County (Kimjongsuk County), Ryanggang Province, are better stocked with canned oil and canned fish than other accommodations in the province. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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