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Date : November 27, 2019
Solar panels are changing N. Koreas traditional wedding gifts
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/solar-panels-changing-north-koreas-tra [1289]
Solar panels are changing N. Koreas traditional wedding gifts

North Koreans increasingly use solar energy powered household appliances in their homes. Presenting brides with electric rice cookers, kettles or microwaves as wedding gifts has now become popular among North Koreans, Daily NK sources reported on Wednesday.

North Korean households are acquiring more electricity as an increasing number of homes are being equipped with solar panels. The panels can power gadgets with performance volumes between 50 and 250 watts, which include both low-volume devices as well as bigger appliances such as refrigerators or washing machines.

In line with this trend, electric rice cookers or kettles have become increasingly popular wedding presents. And there is more to it: Times have changed since the early 2000s, when brides were still satisfied with a single electric rice cooker, a source based in Ryanggang Province explained to Daily NK. Households that sell goods will send two, three or even more electronic appliances as gifts for their daughters when theyre getting married.

Another source from Pyongsong added: Wealthier homes will acquire at least five kinds of high-quality devices such as mobile phones, refrigerators, LCD TVs, pots and fans for wedding gifts. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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