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Date : April 27, 2020
NK tightens flow of people in and out of Chagang Province
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/n-korea-tightens-flow-of-people-in-and [1356]
N. Korea tightens flow of people in and out of Chagang Province

North Korean authorities recently established two new sentry posts on roads heading into Chagang Province as part of efforts to better monitor the movement of people and goods into the area, Daily NK has learned. 

On Apr. 10, two sentry posts managed by the Ministry of State Security (MSS) were built on the highway and railway in Kaegogae Pass leading into Songwon County, a Daily NK source in the province reported on Apr. 22. 

Kaegogae Pass is a major entry point into Chagang Province from neighboring Hyangsan County in North Pyongan Province and those travelling by road or train must pass by these new checkpoints to enter Chagang Province. 

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reportedly issued orders for the construction of these new checkpoints, so everything happened very quickly, the source said.  ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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