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Date : May 13, 2020
Fertilizer factory event hastily put together
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/sunchon-fertilizer-factory-event-hasti [935]
Fertilizer factory event hastily put together

The Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory completion ceremony attended by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was precipitously put together two days before the actual event. 

On April 28, a source inside North Korea said that the Central Committee abruptly ordered to hold the ceremony for the completion of the factory.  For two days, the construction workers had to devote themselves to preparing for the ceremony. They worked themselves to the bone day and night to create the facade of a complete factory, coating the outside of the building and fitting it with glass. 

According to the source, soldiers who had been dispatched to the Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory were putting the finishing touches on the interior in late April. All factory personnel and even their families had to plant flower beds and clean the roads within the factory yards.

[Source: Daily NK]

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