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Date : March 7, 2022
SSM cooperates with brokers to earn money
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-pyongan-provinces-security-agenc [981]
North Pyongan Provinces security agency attempts to get money transfer brokers to share their fees

In North Pyongan Province, the Ministry of State Security has been targeting brokers to make money and ensure its survival by filling foreign currency earning quotas.

Officials have been persuading brokers to share part of their transfer fees in exchange for turning a blind eye to their use of foreign mobile phones. They also urged that brokers register their foreign mobile phones with the ministry to track their transaction history and see check income. 

Locals are angry and accused the ministry of state security of exploiting brokers for profit only to later frame their as spies, leading to execution or prison camps. .......

[Source: Daily NK]

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