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Date : February 28, 2022
NK sees farm worker family ties as a growing threat
   https://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/family-02242022182558.html [1045]
North Korea sees farm worker family ties as a growing threat 

North Korean authorities are fearing to have several workers in a single working group with the same surname claiming that it could empower them to serve their own family interests before the society’s. 

As a result, local party committees are trying to rearrange working groups leaving no more than three people holding the same surname in the same working group.

In Anju city, there were more than 10 workers holding the surname Ri and related to each other in the same farm. So, they were split into other teams because they were seen as a challenge that could confront the farm leader. The same thing happened to the Han’s in Sukchon county. 

With this move, North Korea is trying to prevent workers from forming alliances based on family ties. 

[Source: Daily NK]

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